Aug 15, 2008


3:30am, I am awakened by a 4 yr old saying "momma, its funderin out dere" .. so I let her crawl in bed with me, she didnt bring her pillow so we shared one or two. Its thundering (loudly) and lightning .. couldnt tell if the wind was blowing but you know when your kids come to you, wanting you to be their "protector" ... how in the heck can you do that when the thunder scares yourself so bad that you jump each time it cracks? Ha Ha . Im sure Rilee was real impressed!

Needless to say, we both fell back asleep not long before Marks alarm goes off. So after staying up watching Nastia Louikin get her gold medal .. it was at least 12:30am before I fell asleep. Then the "funder" and Rilee .. Marks alarm .. Im ready to crawl back in bed