Oct 12, 2007

a Happy post!

THis is a happy post because I had TWO pitchers of beer at Hooters for a celebration dinner for my NEW JOB!!!

Just wanted to say to Jennifer .... I LOVE YOU and keep your head up! It will all work out in the end .. just keep that in mind

Oct 9, 2007

Do you hear that?

Its peace and quiet!

My kids are away for the afternoon so I can clean and get some things done ... dont know which is worse .. cleaning or kids screaming all day?! lol

Oct 8, 2007

Ok, so 2nd day went off track!

Ok, so I went off my diet today. I had a great chocolate slim fast shake for lunch and for dinner .. well, lets just say, I stuffed my face at Posados ... and I mean literally .. Jennifer had to wipe crap off my chin! I didnt even know it was there

I didnt get to walk either because we got home so late .. and Jennifer is sitting in traffic on 35 because of a wreck .. dont know what happened there. I just know shes okay! and wasnt involved .. just stuck in traffic.

come on cold front!!!

Ok, so we are supposed to go to the fair on saturday. YAY for Rilee . Anyhow, the cold front is coming in slower than they expected but, surely itll be here by saturday, right?

Anyone already been to the fair and can give us some *must see* things?


Why do I have to be so honest?
Why does it have to be so brutal?
Why does it have to hurt people?
Why cant my mouth just shut ..
or my fingers quit typing?!

I have a problem with voicing my opinion, no matter how honest it is. Most people cant handle that and think that I am a b**** because of it.

I believe people get the wrong impression of me and dont really get to know the *real* me

Oct 7, 2007

Jennifer Abbott is who inspires me!!

Jennifer is who inspired me to start blogging .. shes an amazing person .. Happy Belated birthday!!

check out her blog at http://www.runhorserun.blogspot.com